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Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Telangana Issue

In the Common Interest of AP people(All area's)

Telugu came from Trillinga means Siva-kshetras in  AP i.e.Kaleswaram,Srisilam,Draksharamam
All Telugu speaking people are Telangana people...!! Not just few districts.It is the history of AP 
A day would come every state will
demand our national anthem in their
language! Wait for it.........!!!
(People like KCR  for each area will demand so)

Concentration of Non locals in Capital cities southern States:
Bangalore has 40 % of non locals, Chennai also more or less same. why they are not saying go back non locals.
Why they are not separating……??? Based on development, backwardness if we want to form states in India…India should become another 150 states. Is it the only solution…? Who will pay for CM, Ministers, IG, Secretaries of each ministry Salaries for Entire new states ….is it not the local poor people of that state itself. Who pays this burden to Maintain Assembly, MLA, MLC and Admin costs?.Why not we spend this money for that area development. What these Local MLA's are doing except crying separate…Separate…
Budget allocations and Special Packages:
In the forthcoming coming years Centre is not going to pay for all these expenses slowly states goes in to Debt trap…..Who pays for it World bank..They may not…Then KCR pays as representative of all these small states…or will he goes for Hunger strike for all these states 30 times…no he may not..He can divide as many numbers of states he wants but will he pays for it.
As we know slowly Central government allocation in the budgets for states in different sectors is coming down it may not allocate sufficient funds as the states divides into smaller and smaller states. Sonia Amma and Manmohan whoever in that post may say no.
How much Development PV Narasimharao did for Telangana(Of course he did great job for the nation as a whole).Can another Telugu person become  PM in near Future…. we Telugu people are fighting each other so we pull each other’s legs to come down ourselves forget Telugu person becoming PM again…. When he contested in Nandyal many parties not participated in elections and he won with Guinness book of world records majority.Kosta, Rayalseema people didn’t say that in our area he should not contest because he is from Telangana.Infact our Telugu community was happy and felt proud that Telugu person becoming PM of India.Rayalaseema people did not say Oh..PVN you..Telangana wale bago from Nandyal.
Right from 2001 how many Projects, Development activities did KCR brought to Telangana region saying except talking Telangana  jago Andhrawale Bago and Creating Division Among Telugu people. So if Andhra wale jago means all Telanga people who are there in Kosta,Rayalaseem should be sent back to Telangana if KCR is correct. We need to have permits to visit each other states. Where Telugu community is going…. Sheep’s ,ants and Goats are better than us they have unity.

Small states and relevant Issues:
Jarkahnd&Chattisghad are the  two states in  India with full of Naxals problem. They are new states and small states if administration is good in small states why they are not controlling. Why Madhu koda CM can amass wealth because he is CM of New state and Small state it is easy to earn money……??.Later KCR also may become another MADHU KODA (of course KCR is having more money than him) or he may give chance to Harish Rao to become like Koda once Telangana comes.
If all these agitations are done for any of the Telangana Projects then it would have been better. No one does this except burning buses or burning themselves.

Hyderabad episode:

All Kosta,Rayalaseema people felt happy when the International Airport -Hyd,IIIT-Hyd,BITS,International Business school -Hyd coming in Hyd.They felt happy when many IT giants coming to Hyderabad. They did not say we want those in our areas not in Hyderabad…because they feel we belong to AP.There is not a single incident of discrimination of Telanga people in parts of Kosta, Rayalaseema based on their Region. Universities in Telangana there are discrimination for Non Locals in quota for admissions but not in Kosta and Rayalseema.
If People of Kosta, Ralayaseema asks for it will they sacrifice Hyderabad for them no… not possible….correct .Then Immediately they want all these projects in Kurnool,Vjiyawada or Vizag please give it to them before partition. Construct one international airport,IIIT,ISB,BITS  in all these cities before partition. They can’t wait 50 years for that….

Oh….Poor ..Kurnool:
If Kurnool is our Capital as it was in the beginning by this time now Kurnool would have become International and cosmopolitan city like Hyderabad. Who knows some of the best projects might have gone there. Who will give, International Airport, IIIT,BITS,International Business school, All IT companies offices for Kurnool or in Vijayawada,Vizag .Is it KCR or central government…???
They did not say that we want that in Kurnool, Anantapur, Vijyawada, Vizag.Will KCR pay for it or who will…give…..??????.Shall they wait another 50 years to get all these then who will be in the backward..Area Kosta, Rayalseema or Telangana please answer…??
The Politicians and Story of Krishna Godavari Delta:
If your area is not developing it is because of your area politicians. What they are doing all these years…Sleeeeping.or KCR not born at that time. Who built Dhavaleswrasm aqueduct (Dam)Telugudesam or Congress no… it is Sir Arthur cotton in composite Madras state. Who built Prakasam barrage, who built all the Godavari delta canals… it is not Congress or Telugu desam or KCR it is Sir Arthur cottn.He Built rail bridge on Godavari.
The so called water rich Godavari Delta in Rajahmundry surroundings was suffering from severe droughts and starvation in between 1800-1840 though Godavari River is passing along the way.Milloins of cusecs of water was flowing in to sea….. Going through the famine and cyclone-ravaged districts of Krishna and Godavari he realized the importance of constructing dam in Dhavaleswaram and completed in 1852.He made that drought prone area in to green fertile land and ultimately it became Rice bowl of AP.

He is god in this area. After Cotton’s Dhavaleswaram project no Single project has come in Godavari basin. Please tell me one….???? Anybody…All Telengana people please & must know this truth. So Andhrawala also did not bring this canals and dams for their region by fooling Telangana area people but they worked hard to get the fruits of Cotton efforts.

Example of Fighting spirit of a Politician:
In East Godavari district Long pending Godavari river bridge in Yanam was got approved because of the fighting spirit of GMC Balayogi…the demand was there from 50 plus years. He fought for Kakinada-Kotipalli Railway line was re-opened and and he convinced central government and they are willing to extend it to Narasapuram ….by convincing the central government
He brought lot of fund sanctions for the development of roads in this area…that should be the spirit that every politician should have. The moment he died the railway project stopped there at kotipalli and not extended up to Narasapuram.GMC Balayogi didn’t ask for a separate state for this he fought for the development of his area and got it. All that area people know how much struggle he did in Delhi.Telangana politicians and others also cutting across party-lines and area should learn from him. He is a role model. Though he died prematurely this area people still they say him he is a great person who fought for the development of this region.
Telangana Biddalara please know these truths. Don’t Blame Andhrawale blame your area politicians.All our politicians are sleeping right from Independence.Telangana politicians have more sleep than their Kosta, Rayalaseema counterparts. Is it not true…. please realize.
Telangana wale.. Jaago …..KCR and his Nephew Harish rao amassed crores of rupees of money. Sach ko sach hi bolo…..Asliyat ko samjo….He is playing with sentiments of the people for his own gains all these years instead of Telangana development. Tell me the single project he brought for Telangana area when he was Central or State Minister .He goes in Helicopter for campaigns who pays for it nothing but Telangana people for all these years.
Tell me one single instance where he fought for one single Major Telangana issue/Project that is resolved in the last 8 years except 610.
Nizam spoiled Telangana development, Doralu (Jamindary system) in Telangana then Naxals are the main hurdles of development.Not so called Andhrawale.

Naxalism and its effects in Telangana:
There is one Factory in Eturunagarm which was closed some years because of Naxal menace….they are asking money from the factory management and involving in factory union affairs. Nowhere it can be seen in other parts of India.Capitalists, Industrialists don’t invest if this is the case. That’s why Warangal,Karimngar and other parts lags in Industries. They will grow much stronger once telngana forms and beyond control of Telangana state police. It is for sure..It is happening in Jharkhand & Chattisghad.Please imagine gravity of the situation center wants to send even army to flush out Naxals if necessary.Telangana is adjoining to Chattisghad please remember that.

The West-Bengal versus Gujarat and Industrialization issues:
we know how the TATA’s Nano car factory went to Gujarat. Gujarat No.1 Industrialized state in India any doubt..?????.Tamilnadu stands in Top 3 Industrial zed states. We fight for regions they fight for development as a state. What example we need better than this.
Telangana biddalara please realize this truth.
Karnataka as a Role Model for Industrialization and development:
whopping…36,000 crores Sunil Mittal want to Invest in Karnataka for Steel plant because they fight for development we fight for regions. Still Karnataka stands no1 in IT sector in India why….??? Because …they are not bothered where the IT industry is coming as long as it is in Karnataka. Why can’t they say Hubli, Mangalore or Mysore… instead of Bangalore?
Karnataka always stands in TOP 5 Industrialized states. Any doubts….????.Here also the Industries are not distributed across regions but they are living together. Karnataka also divided like North karnataka,South Karnatka,Malenadu,Kodagu  etc  but no separate hesitations there simply they are wise they  will not get carried away by  politicians
My experience with different states and Countries:
I have traveled across TN.Karantaka,AP(All regions) there are lot of imbalances in the area development in each state. I was working as Regional Manager for Industrial equipments for south before becoming SAP consultant.
Tamilnadu: There are backward areas in TN like Erode, Salem, Dhramapuri, Vellore and other adjoining Districts compared to southern districts like Madurai, Tanjovore, Tirunelveli, Tuticorine, and Ramanthapuram etc…Why they are not separating……??? Based on development, backwardness, and Disparities ……..they unite on language.TN got many new projects than AP in the last decade even though we are contributing majority MP’s than them and we are a bigger state. They are never ever bothered where the new project is coming in TN as long as it is in Tamilnadu.
Best Example is Nokia project.etc..Hyundai, Ford etc T.R.Balu, Dayanidhi Maran brought many projects to their state though they belong to different areas of TN.All most all the projects are concentrated around Chennai. Is there regional imbalance in Tamilanadu..Yes it is … but …They are not fools like neighboring states who fight only on regions….who dance to the tunes of politicians..
I am narrating some of the examples…of States and Countries.
Karnataka: Karnataka has lot of development disparities between North and south karnatka.I lived in Karnataka also. Please anybody wants to come for discussion on Karnataka I am ready for the open challenge. I travelled every nook and corner of Karnataka. I can debate in kannada and also in  Telugu.
Southern Districts Bangalore,Mysore.Mandya,Hassan,Madikeri,Mangalore are very well developed compared to Bidar,Raichur,Bjiapur,Bellary,Koppal,Gadag etc are backward why they are not asking separate States they unite on language and fight for their own rights and development.
After World War II in 1945 United Germany separated east and west. As a consequence of Germany’s defeat in World War II and because of the Cold War, the country was split into two countries as East and West, a period known as the division of Germany. But despite separation after 40 plus years West developed well than East why…..??????????.
Most of the resources what East wants are in West and vice versa also. They realized that they are Inter dependant on each other. But it took 45 years to realize the truth for them after that final settlement of unification on 3 October 1990 was done. we know  what is the real power of a united country “Germany” now .Don’t tell me statistics about Germany I am  there in Germany traveled across Germany by road also Austria,France,Netherlands.

One request ….Please don’t send KCR to Germany he will divide Germany again...
in to East and west.
EUROPE: Europe Introduced Euro currency, Since January 1st, 2002 the Euro is physically in circulation .we know how strong EURO in forex market. Why they should have a common currency..??? Why not they Divide …on this..KCR is not there in Germany…..??????.Please don’t send Harish Rao and Etela Rajender to Europe. ….they may separate currency area wise not even country wise.

Even developed Nation like USA there are lot of Disparities between different states. I traveled by road and train in these states and also I lived in USA.More over I traveled across USA
e.g. Arizona, Nevada which are very close to California  are not less than 5 times backward than California why they are not separating form USA….Because if they are in USA they have that symbol of recognition….????..Why they don’t want a separate country instead of remaining in USA based on development.
If the agitation starts like Telangana in USA saying you.. Non… local Indians go out who are the sufferers we poor Indians and especially Telugu people. If it is followed by Gulf, Australia, what is the fate.